My projects

All web development projects from front end to full stack

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Facesta is a social media Platform inspired from Facebook and Instagram.

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cules coding

Cules Coding is a blogging site which teaches about people about Full stack web development, data structure, alghorithms and many more.

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spaceX landing page clone

A clone of the SpaceX landing page, made with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

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hulu landing page clone

A clone of the Hulu landing page, made with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

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tesla landing page clone

A clone of the Tesla landing page, made with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and Fullpage.JS

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video background landing page

A beautiful landing page with a video background, made with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

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fullPage landing page

A beautiful slide based fullpage landing page, made with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Fullpage.JS.

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cules shop

Cules shop is an open source e-commerce website where people can buy and sell their electronic products.